Lab 4 Child Health Rotterdam
Laboratory of Pediatrics
Erasmus University Medical Center – Sophia Children’s Hospital
Who are we?
The Laboratory of Pediatrics of the Erasmus University Medical Center is a research laboratory. It is part of the department of Pediatrics and as such it is strongly embedded in the Sophia Children’s Hospital, a perfect setting for successful translational research. During its more than 50 years of existence, research in the lab has developed into a dynamic bidirectional interaction between scientist researchers from the Pediatrics laboratory and key clinical researchers in the pediatric hospital.

Our research groups
The Laboratory of Pediatrics harbors two research groups, the Samsom group (Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition) and the Unger group (Infectious Diseases and Immunology). See below for more information about our research.
Research groups

Samsom lab
Mucosal Immunology and intestinal homeostasis and gastrointestinal disease.
Within the Laboratory of Pediatrics the research division Gastroenterology and Nutrition is headed by Janneke N. Samsom.

Unger Lab
Infectious diseases and host response with a focus on Mycoplasma infections in children.
Within the Laboratory of Pediatrics the research division Infectious Diseases and Immunology is headed by Wendy W..J. Unger
Background information
Ons afweersysteem
Hoeder, mediator en verrader. De immunologie bestudeert alle cellulaire
Ons microbioom
Wat betekenen bacteriën voor onze gezondheid? Tegenwoordig staan de wetenschappe-
TIMID, derde ziekte-overstijgende onderzoek naar werking afweersysteem
Derde ziekte-overstijgende onderzoek naar werking afweersysteem van start. Onderzoek op