Contact us!

We would love to hear from you!

The laboratory of Pediatrics is a research laboratory headed by Janneke N. Samsom PhD and located in the medical faculty of the Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam. For general information please contact Marcel Sluijter, laboratory coordinator.

Janneke N. Samsom PhD
Head of the laboratory
E-mail: j.samsom AT
Phone : 31-(0)10-7043444
Room EE-1567a

Marcel Sluijter
Lab manager
E-mail: m.sluijter AT
Phone : 31-(0)10-7043378
Room Ee-1504a

Visiting address:
Erasmus MC
Laboratory of Pediatrics,  EE-15
Dr Molewaterplein 40
3015 GD Rotterdam

Postal address:
Erasmus MC
Laboratory of Pediatrics, EE-1507
P.O. Box 2040
3000 CA Rotterdam
The Netherlands